Roasted Red Pepper & Goat Cheese Soup

Soups are starting to become my favorite meal to make. It’s a one stop shop & you’ll have enough to last you the week. If you’ve made my tomato & feta soup, then you’ll notice how this is basically it’s cousin. This soup is warm, tasty, and delicious for those cold winter days. Details below 💥

-4 red bell peppers
-1 medium sized sweet onion
-5 cloves of garlic
-1 packet of goat cheese
-2-4 tsp of flour (depends on how thick you want it)
-32 oz veggie stock low sodium
-1 tbsp salt
-2 tbsp butter
-Handful of basil
-Garlic powder & pepper to taste
-Olive oil to drizzle

1. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.
2. Remove the stem and seeds from the bell peppers. Cut the onion into quarters. Add the veggies to a Dutch oven with the 5 garlic cloves and the pack of goat cheese. Drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes with the Dutch oven lid on.
3. Once the veggies are soft, pull from the oven and place on low heat on the stove. Add in the veggie stock and mix with immersion blender until liquified (you can also add to a normal blender, just let it cool).
4. Add in the 2 tbsp butter, 1 tbsp salt, handful of basil, and mix. Gradually mix in the flour until you reach desired thickness. Add salt, garlic powder, & pepper to taste.
5. Garnish with goat cheese crumbles, basil, pepper, & drizzle of olive oil


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