Broccoli Curry Coconut soup

It’s still soup season and I am savoring every moment of it with this broccoli coconut curry soup! This was a try as I go recipe and wow, the final results were TASTY. You can freeze half and save it for later, meal prep it for the work week ahead, or even feed a small village… the limit does not exist. This also just so happens to be vegan, unintentionally. This is a one pot meal, bonus points for cleanup. Follow my directions below for this flavor packed soup:

1 can coconut milk
1 can vegetable broth
1 cup water
3 garlic cloves
5 cups broccoli
3 cups cauliflower
1 cup spinach
2 basil leaves
2 tbsp green curry paste
1 tsp cumin
Salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste
Smoked paprika and chopped chives to garnish

1. In a stock pot, caramelize 1 diced sweet onion. Add in a can of vegetable broth, a cup of water and three cloves garlic. Bring to a boil and then add in 4 cups broccoli, 2 cups cauliflower, and 1 cup spinach. Bring to medium heat and then cover with a lid for 8 minutes.
2. Add in the coconut milk, basil leaves, 1 tbsp curry paste, cumin and mix it all together. Cover with the lid for another 8 minutes.
3. Remove the lid and pull out some of the broccoli and cauliflower bits. You can also skip this step if you prefer to have the whole batch of soup pureed, but I wanted some solid bits in there.
4. Blend it all together with an immersion blender. Add in the rest of the broccoli and cauliflower and let it steam. Go back in with the blender once soft.
5. Add in another tbsp of curry paste. Season with your preference of salt, garlic powder, and pepper. Add back in those broccoli, cauliflower bits.
6. Garnish the soup off with smoked paprika and finely chopped chives.


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