Halloween Bars

HALLOWEEN BARS.. Boo! These Rice Krispie treats were gone within 24 hours in my house.. I used melted marshmallows on top for a cobweb affect but the real winner in these festive bars are the m&ms. Highly suggest kicking off the Halloween season with these sweet treats.

-5 cups @kelloggsricekrispies cereal
-1 cup Halloween @mmschocolate
-1 10oz bag mini marshmallows
-1 tsp vanilla
-6 tbsp butter

1. Melt all of the butter in a large sauce pot on medium heat
2. Add in almost all of the marshmallows (set aside 1 cup for a couple future steps) and mix until melted. Once melted, mix in the tsp of vanilla.
3. Turn heat to low and add in all of the Rice Krispies and mix
4. Add in the m&ms and 1/2 a cup of marshmallows - keep mixing.
5. Once well mixed, add the krispie mix to a 9x13 pan lined with parchment paper. Evenly distribute the krispie mix but don’t press to hard into the mix or else they will be hard to eat!
6. In a microwave safe bowl, melt 1/2 a cup of marshmallows for 30 seconds. Once melted, use your fingers to create the cobwebs with the marshmallows. You’ll want to pull the marshmallows a part and string them across the Rice Krispies.
7. Let the Rice Krispies sit for an hour and then cut into bars. Store in a tight concealed container.


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